How a Voluntary Public Records Search Can Benefit an Aspiring Teacher

On October 22, 2013, a House bill was passed in Washington that obliges public schools to background screen all of their employees for past crimes, especially sexual offenses, before hiring them. Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Ind) says that the bill makes no exceptions: “Every school employee, from the cafeteria workers to the administrators, to the janitors and the teachers, including principals and librarians”; Each must be screened under this proposed law. The Washington Post reports that the bill was proposed to address varying state regulations for handling school employees with known criminal histories, whereby loopholes or individual state level inconsistencies are addressed.

To put things into perspective, keep in mind that some states suspend the teaching license of teachers who are found guilty of sexual offenses, while other states may go as far as firing such employees immediately. Should this bill get the thumbs-up from the Senate, companies that offer public records search services, such as the Accu-Facts Company, may find themselves working more closely with various public schools in the future. Aside from providing pre-employment screening services, these companies also offer voluntary screening services for individuals who wish to prove that they have clean records, to meet the terms of this proposed House bill. Continue reading

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Check Your Employees’ Background with a Free National Public Records Search Offer

NEED TO DO SOME BACKGROUND CHECKING…..?  Or, Document Criminal Convictions…..?

Subscribe for a limited time free trial for our nationwide public records search services, an offer for new customers to demonstrate our capabilities and timeliness.

Always get the position filled with the right person, even if he had been wrong before!

Choosing to hire someone with a criminal record is OK, but you should be wary if the person is hiding something else from you. While employers must be cautious about matters regarding a person’s criminal record compared to the job offered, they need to spot deception and falsehoods to protect their customers and the safety of their workforce. As an employer, Human Resource personnel are duty bound to exercise reasonable due diligence to keep your business safe, while certain jobs have statutory mandates too. Due diligence begins with the screening process by subscribing to a national online public records database search, as a basic elementary task. Continue reading
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Employment Background Screening Will Help Ensure Employees Are Qualified

As an employer, one of the first things you look at in an Applicant’s resume and submitted paperwork is the school where he or she graduated. When you see a degree issued and conferred from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or Columbia universities, for example, your interest in this candidate will most likely be piqued. Ivy League graduates demand and get your attention very quickly, in the hiring phase.

Imagine the surprise of a prestigious South Korean university when they discovered that one of their professors does not actually hold an Ivy League graduate degree despite claiming to do so: Continue reading

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Search Public Records to Screen Prospective Employees Thoroughly

preemployment screening and social mediaWhile it is obvious that companies and institutions need to screen their applicants thoroughly before hiring them, this is actually quite difficult to do in practice. In fact, many organizations don’t act upon some of the information they get directly from their prospective employees, according to Security Management. There is a greater call to use other sources, like social media, to find out more about an applicant, but this practice can be controversial.

Some firms, fortunately, like the Accu-Facts Company, can offer organizations the next best thing. By conducting a thorough public records search, they can gather useful information that can’t be obtained otherwise from preliminary tests and interviews.  This type service also extends to individuals who wish to have themselves “professionally screened” for future employment and have a professionally documented personal background report made for them and whomever they authorize distribution. Continue reading

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Employment Background Screening Provider Rebrands Company Name + Logo

Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania (September 16, 2013) – Accu-Fax Services, an established company that has provided nationwide employment background screening services since 1986, is rebranding its name to The Accu-Facts Company. The name change is part of their efforts to better convey the professional services they offer to corporate Human Resource professionals, Security, Operations, Benefits and Logistics personnel, as well as legal and investigative firms around the country. Continue reading

Posted in Press Releases |

Roll Out Notice:

Beginning this month, you will notice the fresh new look of “The Accu-Facts Company”, rebranding our Name and our New Logo.

Our new website domain is:, so please consider bookmarking our new internet website address, as we engage with our social media participants soon and over time.

You’ll identify with our New Name spelling and begin to see our new Logo on written communications, Invoice statements, and with a variety of new individual email addresses too, from now and through September 2013. Continue reading

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Applicant Background Checks:

In today’s business environment, identity theft, false claims from employees, workplace violence, workers compensation fraud, accounting or expense fraud, theft of property or theft of services, drug use and distribution, along with other types of occupational fraud and abuse, are issues with greater workplace significance than ever before.

Security, Logistics, Operations, Benefits, and Human Resource professionals must consider pre-employment screening as the initial and essential standard, the first step, in every hiring decision. From an objective standpoint, businesses that fail to screen, or those that inadequately screen job candidates, will expose themselves to the potential pitfalls noted above, and have the potential for a litany of other legal problems. The hiring risks are real, so take all those actions necessary to prevent a problem today, BEFORE you hire someone. Continue reading

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“Answers” Need the “Right” Questions:

What is analytical and intuitive about background screening? The answer is “everything”! What does this mean to you and your hiring program? Once again, it means “everything” to each successful hire and to an overall effective hiring process.

Time is money and the money wasted on a poor hire does not reflect well on the long-term success of your business plan or on the success of your overall hiring process. Now more than ever, business owners need assurances to prove a candidates identity and work eligibility, along with various other compliance matters in hiring. Our firm can help you today with each matter! Continue reading

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The 60/40 Hiring Trap

The Accu-Facts Company

By Joseph J. Hirsch

Business owners have a lot of things to worry about for sure! Offering a quality product or service means revenue growth and business success, which is the goal of every firm. The key word is “quality,” as defined by your customers or your clients.

Related to this discussion is the idea that the most important asset for any business is the employees of the firm, along with its vendors & other third parties in contact with you and your firm. Therefore, the process of finding and hiring the right people is the key element toward your business success. However, in the business of background screening, studies and personal experiences have shown that applicant statements, along with submitted applicant information, may not be entirely true. Continue reading

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New Company Logo / Rebranding

Our company provides Employment Background Screening services nationwide. The Accu-Facts Company locates, obtains, and delivers genuine Applicant information from the source, to confirm and validate the submitted data, from the Applicant or Vendor. Utilizing the available public records and official agency records, from non-public sources, we provide genuine documentation to facilitate your hiring and strategic business decisions. We conduct FCRA compliant background screening checks, we research and provide courthouse record retrieval services, and we provide vital business information for transactional certainty, prior to you acting or making your business decision. Continue reading
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