Complete Screening Solutions for Every Industry

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Employment background screening programs utilize multiple screening tasks, or “Packages”, which are a series of precise steps to confirm one’s Identity and the Subject’s employment eligibility.  Once Identity and Worker Eligibility is established, other proactive screening tools are used to support your hiring and promotion decisions.  Typically, background check “Packages” are offered by “Industry Sector” or by the “Type of Job” offered.

For the varied employment applications your firm will encounter, we have illustrated suggested “Screening Packages” to fulfill certain mandatory background screening tasks, along with “Enhanced Tasks”, which are background screening tools for the most comprehensive background check considerations. 

Our team is capable of managing everything from routine checks to government-compliant testing. These include delving into a candidate’s criminal history and public records, checking national security and federal government watch lists, conducting verification services, and doing a comprehensive identity search.

In the aggregate, these tasks help Human Resource and Security personnel validate the strategic information you require on each new hire or employee up for promotion. In this way, you can be assured of hiring people who will truly contribute to your organization. We also offer several custom services for companies in a specific industry including online employment screening.

Screening Services That Are Tailored to Your Goals

Partnering with both large and small businesses over 30-Years, the initial work-up is always to validate one’s Identity, as the essential first step to your screening program and the package of tasks chosen.  After all, having an accurate idea of who you will be ushering into your team is a prerequisite to assessing whether he or she will do your roster proud.

Conducting other “Enhanced” background screening tasks help you execute your internal hiring policy, provide for precise statutory regulations, like Drug Testing or Fingerprinting, or to meet your client’s Vendor guidelines to have your people enter their workplace. When the vital Applicant or Employee screening data is confirmed, then this allows your personnel to make a well informed hiring decision, allows you to operate as a Vendor at your Client locations, while it may also allow you to deliver your product or on-site professional services more quickly, when the background work is done in advance.

Convenient Employment Screening Checks

As mentioned, we also provide online employment screening services for clients that have a registered Business Account with The Accu-Facts Company. As a member, you will be offered several features and services that can help you manage your applications easier while overseeing other essential aspects of your operation.

Please contact our representatives today.  Establish a screening package with tasks that provide the best human resource solution for your firm’s hiring program.

Our value is having you access our long-term screening process, since 1986, by utilizing and experiencing our personal, live customer care; the quality of our work effort is established by our unblemished 100% record of FCRA compliance, an outstanding record since February 1986.  This fact alone is the cornerstone of our successful long-term Client and business relationships.

Contact us today at (800) 336-1001 if you need more information about our screening packages, specific tasks, affordable pricing, our employment screening services record of FCRA compliance, or our comprehensive background check program for nationwide criminal history and conviction records, on every assignment.

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