FACTS really do matter with every HIRING decision! How do you know that the candidate is really the person they say they are…..? Begin the Identity and Worker Eligibility process with an effective and defined background screening program. Begin with confirming the information provided by the Applicant, utilize the completed Application, the submitted Resume (or Curriculum Vitae), along with key elements gained from your interview process. At this point, we begin to gather, corroborate, and validate all of this information – Line by Line – for each candidate.
Completing E-Verify and I-9 Validations helps to meet federal compliance and legal guidelines, which is now standard for most firms. Any “Red Flags” found at this stage of the on-boarding process defines our assignment for you and your firm! It takes a Proactive management team to begin the process of precise background screening, for each candidate.
For over 30-Years, The Accu-Facts Company has been conducting and delivering credible, trustworthy, and precise background screening information to Clients nationwide. Our daily work effort prescribes to every aspect of Human Resource and Security compliance matters, including the federal FCRA guidelines, EEOC guidance, and DPPA federal regulations. Similarly, state and local authorities are also looking for an audit trail to confirm hiring compliance too.
Today, all firms have a real challenge, and burden, to rein in Applicant half-truths and outright false information. Avoid the pitfalls, and liabilities, associated with a bad hiring decision; Therefore, the right background screening process will save you valuable time and significant money for future training, improved benefits, and revenue growth. While taking consistent actions to mitigate all sorts of hiring risks, and by avoiding negative publicity, you can gauge the success of your hiring program, along with the overall workforce. The need to protect your firm’s reputation, your Brand, and your employees, these are the key factors at stake for your long-term business success and return on investment! The Accu-Facts Company personnel can help you meet these goals.
Know WHOM you are really hiring! Confirm, validate and corroborate all the FACTS that matter to your job opportunity. Conduct every task necessary to avoid negligent hiring lawsuits, at the outset. Help limit your firm’s vicarious liability and be proactive to protect your firm, at every opportunity. Likewise, a consistent and defined background checking process will help protect your existing employees and your workplaces too! Pre-employment background screening is a straightforward first step for hiring quality people that meet your policy standards, before you hire them!
Confirming Applicant statements and information begins with us searching out public record filings and also obtaining non-public data, where it is authorized. The proprietary and personal data points of the applicant, or employee, are now legally available for us to deploy various background checks: including the DMV Driving history report or the college degree validation, for example. The “Release Form”, signed by the Applicant (or current Employee in a promotion or merger phase), is required for each and every screening assignment.
Combined, the variety of background screening tasks available to you, facilitate your hiring decisions with factual, verified data. Your hiring process may include Prior Employment checks, Criminal Conviction records research, supporting Educational credentials and specific degrees, or professional certifications, all of which are precise tasks validated individually. After analyzing the strategic information gathered for each applicant, you can now make an intentional, purposeful, and well-informed hiring decision, with proven facts compared to the submitted information, while meeting FCRA compliance and established hiring doctrine. In the end, all the FACTS really do matter to a successful hiring decision!